DAILY FILM DOSE: A Daily Film Appreciation and Review Blog: ABOUT DFD

Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Founded and operated by film buff and filmmaker, Alan Bacchus, Daily Film Dose is a daily film appreciation website. Featuring a new review everyday, the site features reviews of great classics, in theatre new releases, and DVD new releases. The films can be old or new, indie or popular, experimental or mainstream – like shuffle in your I-POD, anything goes.

Contact me at: albacchus(at)hotmail.com

Alan Bacchus is a Toronto-based filmmaker, and writer. He has produced and directed several short films and also writes for EXCLAIM!, a Canadian national entertainment mag. Alan also works in the Canadian film industry at Astral Media The Harold Greenberg Fund, which provides development and production financing to Canadian feature films.


Greg Klymkiw is a Toronto-based writer, filmmaker and teacher from Winnipeg. He has produced the work of Guy Maddin, Cynthia Roberts, Nik Sheehan, Alan Zweig and many others. Since 1998, he has been the Producer-in-Residence at the Canadian Film Centre.Click HERE for Greg's postings

Blair Stewart works in film post-production in Canada, Europe and New Zealand and as a technician for a number of international film festivals. He lives in London, England with his fiance and bombards Alan with constant cinema chatter.Click HERE for Blair's postings.

Reece Crothers is a Toronto-based screenwriter. Reece recently wrote the screenplays for The Cello, and The Morning Party - two multi-award winning short films. Click HERE for Reece's postings.

Matt McUsic is a New York/Los Angeles based filmmaker. After graduating from USC Cinema School he wrote/directed Shamelove (2006) and produced/photographed Sweet Thing (2008). He currently works as a segment producer in reality television on such shows as Dating In The Dark and Survivor. Click HERE for Matt's postings.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

I love your blog but how can I contact you? Briack2001@yahoo.com